What do you believe are The Benefits of Working Online?

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Let's start with a question: What do you believe are The Benefits of Working Online?
What do you believe are The Benefits of Working Online?

What do you believe are The Benefits of Working Online?
The Benefits of Working online

Well since a few years, anyone with an internet connection became able to make hundreads thousands of dollars online.
Do you think they put a lot for making this amount of money ?  Not at all !
By finding simple and quick methods of making money online, they had proven that online working is a true thing !

The Pros and Cons of e-work
The Benefits of Working online

Examples of these moneymakers:

Neil Patel (QuickSprout)
Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income)
Alex Becker (SourceWave)
Brian Dean (Backlinko)
TheFineBros (Youtube)
EvanTubeHD ( Youtube - only a 7 year old boy )


These were only simple examples ! not to mention the high rollers who are Millionares because of the internet ..

Such as:

Jack Ma (AliBaba) (which is richer than Mark Zuckerberg by the way)
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
Max Levchin (PayPal)

Now lets scroll into

The Benefits of being an Online Worker:  

The Pros of working on the internet
The Pros of working on the internet

1- No Geographic Attatchement :

online working has this amazing advantage which is working from any place with an internet connection. Either you're at home, family visit, trip to Hawaii or at the toilet , You Can Work From There !

2- No Start-Up Cost:

Mostly to make your first dollars you needn't to have a big capital. You can work by selling online gigs (as an example) for free! just by signing up at Fiverr.com .. or you can be a Blogger ! A domain name costs less than 5$ (using coupons at Godaddy) and you can get a hosting for your first month for only $0.99 (at HostGator).

3- Bigger Payout:

For doing rare jobs online for foreign people that couldn't to get the offer you're giving near them, You can offer higher prices than the ones you are getting at your desk job.

4- The Ability to Self-Developement:

You can improve your skills for free just by taking some online free courses that can help you become a better person. Then, when starting to make extra money, you can get access to premium courses (such as the ones at udemy) .

5- Freedom !

You're your own boss! There's no one to control you. No one that can tell you what to do and when and where ..  You can work as relaxed as a sleeping baby.

6- A Larger Clients Network:

You can work with people in Sweden, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil ... So you'll have a bigger clients network, so you will get more exposure and more reviews about you that you can include in your website to get even more clients to work with you.
Also you can split up the work to smaller tasks and mandate them to other co-workers you'll work with.

Now, lets hop into

The Disadvantages of e-Working :

Cons of e-work
The cons of e-working

1- Feeling Lost and confused at the beginning:

Most people when they start to accept the idea of e-working, they get really confused when willing to begin online jobs. You can overcome it by developing a daily regular system to commitment with, if you make it, you'll feel a lot happy by overcoming yourself.

2- Splitting Work with Rest:

Making the difference between working environnement and rest's is an important thing you should take care of so you can help yourself to accomplish the wanted mission.

3- Unstable Income:

Maybe this is the worst Con of working online. Getting gigs and projects is an unstable issue. So counting on one method of online earning can not give pertinent results. I advise you to try other methods of making money on the internet. Such as if you're a designer, try to become an affiliate marketer, or try switching job markets.

4- Risk and Fear of Change:

Risking and changing is what's going to push you forward. When accepting it. It will become your first mentor in your professional life.

5- Bad Social Life:

Don't expect to go out whenever your friends call you. You should dedicate yourself to your job (especially at the beginning). So what should you do ? You ought to make a time for friends and family. Let's suppose you work 10 hours a day make the rest for your family. But within those 10hrs, don't try to loose interest, that's what we said about splitting work environnement with rest's.

So the next time when someone asks you "What do you believe are The Benefits of Working Online?" You're going to tell him what I've listed here on top.
What do you think? Do you have some additional informations ? What is your opinion ?
Tell me, I'm waiting :)